Psychic Medium Readings , Shamanic Energy Healing & Channeling Sessions, Classes & Retreats, Healing Oils, Candles, Crystals, Soaps & Wellness Gifts,
Healing Infused Art, and more...
Stephanie Todd
Stephanie is a passionate healer using her combined gifts as a Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator, Angel & Divine Channeler, Crystal & Reiki Practitioner that offers uplifting readings and healing sessions that serve your highest good.
Stephanie's also an instructor through WITC
(Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College) & St. Croix Healing Arts Center teaching an assortment of metaphysical and spiritual development classes.

Join Irene and Stef for a monthly 90 minute “bring your soul back home” sound healing session as you comfortably lie back for a passive healing experience.
Drumming & Singing Bowl Group Session

"Stef Mix"
will be any of the following alone or in combination - manifesting, hearing the body when it talks, tools for neurodivergents, meet and interact with your guides and more!
Thursdays 8am-9am
Ongoing Weekly Classes
Open Channeling Experience
This will be any of the following alone or in combination – manifesting, hearing the body when it talks, tools for neurodivergents, meet and interact with your guides and more!
Fridays 8am-9am
Experience and accomplishments
~which continually grow and advance:
Usui Reiki Master & Teacher
Kundalini Reiki Master & Teacher
Karuna Ki Reiki Master & Teacher
Atlantean & Lemurian Light Reiki
Animal Reiki Practitioner
Color Therapy Reiki
Crystal Reiki Master & Teacher Certification
*Hypnotherapist, Certified (Ericksonian)
Advanced Past Life Regression Diploma
Future Life Progression Diploma
*NLP Master Practitioner Certified
*Shamanic Crystal Healer Certification
Shamanic courses and disciplines, multi-cultural
Plant and Herbal Medicine courses & studies
Medical Mediumship courses & studies
Psychic & Intuition Development courses
Clairvoyant discipline (advanced) courses
& many more courses and studies!
*currently enrolled and soon completing cert. courses
Hundreds of hours in classes, thousands of hours reading, practicing & honing disciplines, and learning.
She brings her scientific approach and fascination to each class she teaches, and is always improving and advancing the courses.
*Stephanie is a mother of 4 and is passionate about teaching youth empowerment and developing their gifts. Especially those with ADHD/ADD, Autism, mental health issues, etc.
Areas covered include:

Love and Relationships
Career and Life Path,
Your Healing Journey

Guidance and Clarity for Empowerment
Inner Growth & Spiritual Development
Classes offered:
☼Ghost Hunting
☼Animal Communication
☼Angels & Archangels
☼Psychic & Intuition Development
☼Past Life Regressions
☼Manifest Anything
☼Painting, Art from Your Soul
☼Children of Light
☼Dreams & Dreamwalking
☼Crystals and Grids
And more...