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Munay Ki
Initiation and Rites of the Earth Keepers

۝ The 10 powerful Rites (Munay Ki) are the attunements you will receive, vibrationally attuning you to your luminous rainbow body.


Healer’s Rite

Lineage to Earthkeepers, heal wounds


Seer’s Rite

Develop psychic intuition, learn to see and perceive the invisible realms


Earthkeeper’s Rite

Reconnect with Earth, connect to lineage of archangels


Bands of Power Rite

Protection bands (elements) of Light, how to bring them in

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Daykeeper’s Rite

Restoring Feminine Divine, invoke power of sacred sites/altars for healing

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Starkeeper’s Rite

Future generations and our imprint, process/heal from higher dimension


Harmony Rite

Receive 7 architypes into your chakras, learn to clear & align chakras

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Wisdomkeeper’s Rite

Restore Masculine Divine, step outside of time


Creator Rite

Awaken Creator self and connection to all that is, your Divinity


 Rite of the Womb

For both men and women, honoring our time in the womb to prepare our bodies & psyche with the divine feminine  to let go of current and generational fear, pain, and suffering.

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