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Boyond Reiki


This course will be teaching a number of things, and isn’t limited to:
Energy healing work above space and time, Munay Ki rites, intuition & psychic development, DNA work and starseed ancestry, Light rays, connecting to your Light/starseed family, how & when to use your divine team daily, using frequencies and light/colors, how to use your ascension chakras, working with pure source/Godhead energy, playing and healing within the gamma rays/waves, Earth, planetary, & collective consciousness healing, Akashic records & upgrades, holographic & avatar bodies, death and dying-the art of transitioning, and we’ll also be doing many upgrades and attunements.

My sensei teaches “get comfortable with being uncomfortable.”
In my mind I know it's a temporary bridge from getting from this point to getting to the next.

I’m finding this truth in numerous areas of my life, and collectively all around me. It’s a micro and macro concept.
Wise words, and also a simple manual into navigating the new you…so what does that mean, or look like?
-Allowing numerous ways of being “uncomfortable”, meaning it’s a presented option you can ponder, take, or adapt into how you think, what you allow in your life, how you can grow, and how present you are and in consciously living.

It’s all about staying open to learn more about yourself and things you didn’t know you could do, or do so well, and/or master 
Sometimes we need the reminder because we are learning to unlearn, unwind, deprogram, let go of old belief systems, etc.

We’re never alone in learning to be temporarily uncomfortable.
This course will have its own private page to ask, learn, connect, and share as well. I’m also available to help.
And to boot, we are establishing BEing as the new foundation of how we’ll thrive and operate instead of doing (busy mindedness).
This course is more of an invitation into a new way of living, being, connecting, and growing.
Yes, it can challenge the 3D mind, the old ways of doing things, and can also shed old skin quickly as you’ll learn to live up to your full potential (as close to) and awaken all your senses, innate gifts, align with your purpose and why you incarnated on earth in this lifetime.
We are here for great purpose, and are the ones we’ve been waiting for 

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